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Daydream Project


In this project, I wanted to visually show lots of nightmare scenarios that I've personally had, in a situation pretty similar to my reality. With online classes, it is extremely hard to stay focused, and I often find myself falling asleep. Also with the high stress of the pandemic, school work, and lack of social interaction, I've noticed a few more nightmares than usual. High anxiety and stress manifest themselves into my dreams and I thought this would be a perfect time to visually show that. I opted to show claustrophobia, teeth falling out, symbols of failure, and a crocodile because all of those nightmares I have had and all have made me wake up in a panic. I thought the heavy breathing and louder heartbeat would also make the viewers feel the panic. With the real-life class being so boring, I hoped to portray the feelings every student has right now, bored but panicked because online classes are hard to focus on but there is still lots of assignments to do, especially from now until the end of the semester.

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